Home International Govt to publish list of gay people
International - February 20, 2017

Govt to publish list of gay people

Tanzanian Flag

A list of gay people is set to be published by the government of Tanzania, days after shutting dozens of AIDS clinics accused of promoting homosexuality, according to a report by Jamaica Observer.

Tanzanian government said on Saturday it is planning to publish a list of gay people allegedly selling sex online .

The country’s deputy health minister Hamisi Kigwangalla said on Twitter that the government was investigating “the homosexuality syndicate” and would arrest and prosecute those involved in the gay sex business.

“I will publish a list of gay people selling their bodies online. Those who think this campaign is a joke are wrong. The government has long arms and it will arrest all those involved quietly,” he wrote.

“Once arrested they will help us find others,” he added.

Under the Tanzanian law, gay male sex is punishable by anything from 30 years to life imprisonment, but there is no such ban on lesbian relations.

However politicians have largely ignored the gay community which was not subject to levels of discrimination seen in other countries such as neighbouring Uganda until a recent spike in anti-gay rhetoric by the government.

In July last year, the regional commissioner for the port city of Dar es Salaam, Paul Makonda, announced a crackdown against gays, followed by arrests in clubs.

Some people who have been openly gay on the internet stopped posting after Makonda threatened that police would arrest those who follow them on social media.

Dozens of men suspected of being gay have been detained and taken to hospital for anal exams to confirm their homosexuality.

Also in July last year the government banned the import and sales of sexual lubricants, which Health Minister Ummy Mwalimu said encouraged homosexuality which led to the spread of HIV/AIDS.

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